Home Computing
Why choosing Computing?

The specialty in Computing gathers a buch of interesting subjects which provide a sound background for getting a job.

It provides a wide range of professional opportunities in software development, engineering, consultancy, research and so on…

What is Computing about?

It deals with specific problems about software and hardware systems.

Jobs in computer science with an specialization in computing fall within one of these categories:

a) software design and engineering,

b) development of efficient approaches for computing problems, e.g. storing information in databases, data transfer in computer networks or new approaches for security problems,

c) setting up novel approaches in computer interaction and new challenges in Robotics, Bioinformatics or Computer vision.

(More information from ACM)

What is Computing NOT about?

Computing is not only about computer engineering and software development as well as astronomy is not concerned about building telescopes, Biology is not concerned with building microscopes, and music is not about building musical instruments… Computing does not deal about the tools used for computing. It is concerned about using this tools and what can we discover when we do it.

Thus, Computing is about building computers, writing programs and much much more…

(More information from the University of Boston)